第26回 Ruby/Rails勉強会@関西に参加
日本Rubyの会 公式Wiki - 第26回 Ruby/Rails勉強会@関西
遅くなったが、Ruby初級者向けレッスン by okkezさんの回答だけでも貼っとこう。そういえば、前々回の分が、okkezさんに添削されていたのだった。今更ですがありがとうございます。気付かなくて申し訳なかったです。
- Rack, nginx, thinが面白そうなので、調べたい。
- ujihisaさんの発表で出たvimscriptだが、vimscriptからRubyを使うことが出来るのか。emacs(elisp)からRubyが使えたりもするのだろうか。elispなんか全く分からないが。ちょっと調べた感じでは情報が見つからない・・・。
1. ナベアツ問題
MIN = 1 MAX = 100 class Nabeatsu def perform(min, max) min.upto(max) do |i| speech = "" speech << "Aho" if should_be_idiot?(i) speech << "Meaow" if should_be_animal?(i) speech << i.to_s if speech == "" puts speech end end def should_be_idiot?(num) num % 3 == 0 || num.to_s =~ /3/ end def should_be_animal?(num) num % 5 == 0 end end Nabeatsu.new.perform(MIN, MAX)
2. Bottles of Beer on the Wall
class Song @@initial_bottle_num = 99 @@lyrics = ["%s of beer on the wall", "%s of beer", "Take one down and pass it around", "%s of beer on the wall"] @@third_line_for_last = "There are no more to pass around" @remaining_bottle_num = 0 def initialize @remaining_bottle_num = @@initial_bottle_num end def sing_all sing sing_all if 0 <= @remaining_bottle_num end def sing num = bottle_count(@remaining_bottle_num) remain = bottle_count(@remaining_bottle_num - 1) lyrics = @@lyrics lyrics[2] = @@third_line_for_last if @remaining_bottle_num <= 0 printf(lyrics.join("\n") + "\n\n", num, num, remain) @remaining_bottle_num = @remaining_bottle_num - 1 end private def bottle_count(num) case when num <= 0 num = "No more bottles" when num == 1 num = num.to_s + " Bottle" else num = num.to_s + " Bottles" end end end song = Song.new.sing_all
3. 石取りゲーム
require "observer" module GameLogic def take(stone_count) if win?(stone_count) #取る数毎に、勝つか負けるかを取得 max_takable = [MAX_TAKABLE_STONE, stone_count].min wins_or_loses = (1..max_takable).to_a.inject({:wins => [], :loses => []}) do |h, i| win?(stone_count - i) ? h[:wins] << i : h[:loses] << i h end if rand < ROBOT_MISTAKE_RATE #負ける方を選択 wins_or_loses[:wins][rand(wins_or_loses[:wins].size)] else #勝つ方を選択 wins_or_loses[:loses][rand(wins_or_loses[:loses].size)] end else take_random(stone_count) end end def win?(stone_count) stone_count % (MAX_TAKABLE_STONE + 1) != 1 end def robot_selfish?(stone_count) win?(stone_count) && rand <= ROBOT_SELFISH_RATE end def take_random(stone_count) rand([MAX_TAKABLE_STONE, stone_count].min) + 1 end def takable?(num, stone_count) !num.nil? && 0 < num.to_i && num.to_i <= [MAX_TAKABLE_STONE, stone_count].min end def continue?(input) !input.nil? && (input == "y" || input == "Y") end end class State include GameLogic attr_accessor :result, :stone_count, :players_turn, :player_last_took, :robot_last_took def initialize(state = nil) if !state.nil? @result =state.result @stone_count = state.stone_count @players_turn = state.players_turn @player_last_took = state.player_last_took @robot_last_took = state.robot_last_took end end end class InitialState < State def apply(input = nil) @stone_count = rand(MAX_STONE_COUNT - MIN_STONE_COUNT) + MIN_STONE_COUNT + 1 @result = :greeting SelectTurnState.new(self) end end class SelectTurnState < State def apply(input = nil) @players_turn = input.to_i @players_turn = nil if @players_turn != 1 && @players_turn != 2 if @players_turn.nil? @result = :select_turn self else selfish = robot_selfish?(@stone_count) if selfish && @players_turn == 1 @players_turn = 2 @result = :selfish_turn_determination else @result = :turn_determination end TurnDeterminationState.new(self) end end end class TurnDeterminationState < State def apply(input = nil) @player_last_took = nil @robot_last_took = nil if @players_turn == 2 @robot_last_took = take(@stone_count) @stone_count = @stone_count - @robot_last_took end @result = :take_stone PlayState.new(self) end end class PlayState < State def apply(input = nil) @player_last_took = nil @robot_last_took = nil if takable?(input, @stone_count) @player_last_took = input.to_i @stone_count = @stone_count - @player_last_took if @stone_count <= 0 @result = :game_over_player_lost GameOverState.new(self) else @robot_last_took = take(@stone_count) @stone_count = @stone_count - @robot_last_took if @stone_count <= 0 @result = :game_over_player_won GameOverState.new(self) else @result = :take_stone self end end else @result = :take_stone_error self end end end class GameOverState < State def apply(input = nil) if continue?(input) @result = :restart InitialState.new(self) else @result = nil nil end end end class TextUi attr_accessor :game, :response def initialize(game) @game = game @game.add_observer(self) @response = TextResponse.new end def update(state) print @response.render(state) @game.update(gets.strip) end end class TextResponse def render(state) send(state.result.to_s, state) unless state.result.nil? end def greeting(state) "石の数は #{state.stone_count} 個です。\n" + "先手/後手を選択してください。(1:先手/2:後手)>" end def select_turn(state) "先手/後手を選択してください。(1:先手/2:後手)>" end def turn_determination(state) sprintf "あなたは %s です。何か押すとスタートします。>", state.players_turn == 1 ? "先手" : "後手" end def selfish_turn_determination(state) "ダメです。あなたは後手です。何か押すとスタートします。>" end def take_stone(state) stone_count(state) + takable_stones + ">" end def take_stone_error(state) remaining_stone_count(state) + takable_stones + ">" end def game_over_player_won(state) stone_count(state) + "\nあなたの勝ちです。もう一回やりますか?(y:もう一回/n:終了)>" end def game_over_player_lost(state) stone_count(state) + "\n私の勝ちです。もう一回やりますか?(y:もう一回/n:終了)>" end def restart(state) "何か押すと最初から始めます>" end private def takable_stones sprintf "何個取りますか?(%s)", (1..MAX_TAKABLE_STONE).to_a.join("/") end def stone_count(state) res = player_took(state) robot_took = robot_took(state) res += res != "" && robot_took != "" ? " / " + robot_took : robot_took res += res != "" ? " 取りました。" : "" res += remaining_stone_count(state) end def player_took(state) state.player_last_took.nil? ? "" : "あなた: #{state.player_last_took} 個" end def robot_took(state) state.robot_last_took.nil? ? "" : "私: #{state.robot_last_took} 個" end def remaining_stone_count(state) "残り #{state.stone_count} 個です。" end end class Game include Observable attr_accessor :state def initialize @state = InitialState.new end def start update(nil) end def update(input) @state = @state.apply(input) if @state.nil? exit else changed notify_observers(@state) end end end MIN_STONE_COUNT = 10 MAX_STONE_COUNT = 100 MAX_TAKABLE_STONE = 3 ROBOT_SELFISH_RATE = 0.7 ROBOT_MISTAKE_RATE = 0.1 game = Game.new ui = TextUi.new(game) game.start